Shweta Suran
Early Stage Researcher @ TalTech
About Me
Hi! I'm Shweta Suran, a Ph.D. scholar, at the Department of Software Science, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia. I am also affiliated with the Collective Intelligence Research Group of IT University of Copenhagen as an External Scholar.
As part of my doctoral thesis, I have developed a novel 'generic' framework for Collective Intelligence systems. The framework is primarily designed based on a first of its kind exhaustive meta-study of scientific literature on CI and crowdsourcing in ICT. Designed using quantitative and qualitative methods, the framework is aimed at empowering both researchers and system designers/developers, looking to harness the wisdom of the crowd through ICT solutions.
I have a Masters Degree in Computer Science (First Rank with Honours) with specialization in Knowledge Engineering from SRM University, Chennai. Before starting my PhD, I worked as an Assistant Professor at the A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University. Prior to this, I was a Programmer Analyst with Cognizant Technology Solutions, where I conducted project requirement analysis for the biopharmaceutical division.
What I Work On
My general research interests include:
- Collective Intelligence
- Collective Behaviour
- Citizen Science
- Crowdsourcing
- Social Network Analysis
- Digital Image Processing
- Software Engineering
[HITSA IT Akadeemia] EITSA20017. Implementation of ICT-based technical solutions for the speciality-specific courses of the Waterway Safety Management study programme. The aim of the project is to update and modernize the specialty-specific courses of the Waterway Safety Management study program by implementing ICT-based technical solutions and ICT-related knowledge and skills in order to bring the study program into compliance with the standards of the International Hydrographic Organization.
Duration: 1st April’ 2020 – 31st July’ 2021
Designation: Senior Research Staff -
[Smart Specialisation Project] LEP19022. Applied research for creating a cost-effective interchangeable 3D spatial data infrastructure with survey-grade accuracy. The current research main target is to impact the whole spatial data management process by producing the next level 3D spatial base data layer and integrating it with widely used existing spatial databases. To be able to look the process as a whole the research will include the full process of the spatial data management - from the data generation to the spatial data infrastructure platform. One of the key elements is to understand the effect of implementing AI based automated information detection in every process to reduce costs and maximize efficiency and therefore reduce the time spent on data generation process.
Duration: 1st April’ 2019 – 31st March’ 2021
Designation: Research Staff
[I.3] Suran S., Pattanaik V., Kurvers R. H. J. M., Hallin C. A., Liddo A. D., Krimmer R., and Draheim D. 2021. Building Global Societies on Collective Intelligence: Challenges and Opportunities. SSRN [Working Paper].
[C.6] Peious S. A., Suran S., Pattanaik V., and Draheim D. 2021. Enabling sensemaking and trust in communities: an organizational perspective. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS' 21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA.
[C.5] Suran S., Pattanaik V., and Draheim D. 2020. CommunityCare: Tackling Mental Health Issues With The Help Of Community. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS' 20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, pp. 377–382.
[J.1] Suran S., Pattanaik V., and Draheim D. 2020. Frameworks for Collective Intelligence: A Systematic Literature Review. ACM Computing Surveys, 53, 1, Article 14 (February 2020), 36 pages.
[C.4] Pattanaik V., Suran S., and Draheim D. 2019. Enabling Social Information Exchange via Dynamically Robust Annotations. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS' 19). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, pp. 176–184.
[C.3] Suran S., Pattanaik V., Yahia S.B., and Draheim D. 2019. Exploratory Analysis of Collective Intelligence Projects Developed Within the EU-Horizon 2020 Framework. In: Nguyen N., Chbeir R., Exposito E., Aniorté P., Trawiński B. (eds) Computational Collective Intelligence (ICCCI' 19). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 11684. Springer, Cham.
[I.2] Suran S., Pattanaik V., Singh M., Gupta P.K., and Gupta P. 2017. Brain Imaging Procedures and Surgery Techniques: Past, Present and Future. International Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-Technology, 9, 3, pp. 23–34.
[I.1] Tyagi H., Suran S., and Pattanaik V. 2016. Weather - Temperature Pattern Prediction and Anomaly Identification using Artificial Neural Network. International Journal of Computer Applications. Published by Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA, 140(3): pp. 15-21 (April 2016).
[C.2] Suran S., Pattanaik V., and Malathi D. 2014. Discovering Shortest Path between Points in Cerebrovascular System. In Proceedings of the 6th IBM Collaborative Academia Research Exchange Conference (I-CARE' 14). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, pp. 1–3.
[C.1] Pattanaik V., Suran S., and Prabakaran S. 2014. Inducing Human-like Motion in Robots. In Proceedings of the 6th IBM Collaborative Academia Research Exchange Conference (I-CARE' 14). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, pp. 1–3.
... for more details please visit my Google Scholar page.